Performing with a sense of freedom, natural expression, confident breath control, fluid technique, clarity, full sound, confident sense of rhythm… If any of these descriptions still feel illusive, if playing your instrument or singing still doesn’t feel right or good or as effective as you know it can be….
I have solutions. I can help.
I work with musicians who want to take their playing to a more easeful, balanced and freely expressive level. You will also understand how and why to share these ideas with your students.
What I offer for your school, musical organization, flute fair or lesson:

Body Mapping: I am licensed by the Association for Body Mapping Education and available for body mapping courses, presentations, workshops and individual or group lessons.
The Timani Movement System for Musicians (explained below)
Breathing workshop (with experiential tools and interaction) - breathe more freely and use air more effectively.
Restoring Inner Pulse and Good Rhythm with Egg Shakers
Learning Expression Through the Lessons of Marcel Moyse’s 24
Little Melodic Etudes (see Marcel Moyse Etude Workshop below)
I studied with Christine as an undergraduate student at Mansfield University. I transferred from another college and was feeling really despondent at the time. I had been approaching music as a science at that point which was making me feel drained, frustrated and discouraged. Christine helped me put the artistry back into my practice and got me out of my head and re-connecting with my heart. She has an innovative, playful, exploratory approach to her teaching style. She helped me rediscover the joy of the craft.
-Ashley (Potter) Aurand
Body Mapping and Timani Lessons and Workshops

Performance ease, natural expression, confident breath control, fluid movement, clarity, full sound, confident sense of rhythm… If certain things are still difficult… Even though you are doing all the things you learned to do and it still doesn’t feel right or good…. You are in the right spot! I can help.
I work with all types of musicians who want to take their playing to a more easeful, balanced and freely expressive level.
What is Body Mapping?: www.bodymap.org
What is Timani?: www.timani.no/en/about-timani
Plan a sample lesson to experience how I can help.
Marcel Moyse Etude Workshop

My doctoral research was focused on Marcel Moyse and his 24 Little Melodic Studies.
Marcel Moyse wrote the 24 Little Melodic Studies in 1932 and used them to teach his students how to play musically and expressively but did not include many instructions with the music.
I have annotated each etude as thoroughly as possible.
See my other website: Moyse24etudes.com
Material is from flutists I either met with individually or witnessed teach classes where the etudes were the focus. These flutists are respected performers and teachers who had extensive time studying with Moyse. Additional material is drawn from articles written by other Moyse students and those influenced by his teaching. I also draw extensively from sessions I have had exploring these melodies with Burton Kaplan.